The nomadic school is the project of the Evenk themselves
- We have been looking for funds since 1996 in Russia, without any result
- In 2002, this project of a school receives in Moscow the status of Experimental Project of the Education Ministry of the Federation of Russia
- In 2004, Alexandra Lavrillier (AL), Patricia Lastier (PL) et Henri Lecomte (HL) start the Association franco-évenke Sekalan; most of the searchers of the Siberian world in France join the association; in 2006, Colette Chausson (CC) joins the staff
- The first financing comes from the royalties of the CD “Evenk : Ritual Songs of the Nomads of the Taiga” (Musique du monde ; Buda records) (2002)
- In December 2005, the school is granted with the status of Experimental Pedagogical Program of the Amur region
- Since February 2006, the school is working thanks to the mixed supports of the Department of the National Education of the Amur region and of the German NGO Pro-Sibiria
- Since the school year 2006-2007, the school is mostly financed by the funds issued from the Rolex Prize for the enterprise spirit 2006
- In 2006, shooting of a film about the nomadic school by the team of the National Geographic of the Rolex Award
- During the scholar years 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, the school increases the number of its pupils, the covered area (1200km2), the number of the concerned nomadic encampments as well as the number of the teachers or assistant-teachers; other Evenk regions would like to benefit of schools of the same type
- Since the end of 2006, the expatriated French peoples in Moscow bring an important and steady support to the school and the nomadic families. An evening at the Embassy of Luxembourg has in particular allowed to buy a communication system for the security of the children; four second-hand portable computers had been offered as well; regular sending of warm clothes; gathering of funds; etc.
- In 2008, shooting of the film “The Nomadic School” by Michel Debats (with the participation of all the nomads, of AL and HL), the promotion of the film being accompanied in France with photo exhibitions
- In March 2009, the Inspection of the Region Academy visited the nomadic school and stated that it was indispensable for the conservation of Evenk culture and the development of children
- Since 2008-2009, the association finances the University studies of the nomadic mothers who want to become nomadic teachers
During these long years, the project of the nomadic school took advantage of the support by the local Evenk and Russian intelligentsia as well as the one, informative and relational, of great organisations like the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North or Survival France For the parents of children, we advise them to visit the website